Silent Payment Guarantee (SPG)
Silent Payment Guarantees and Receivable Discounting (SPG & RD) is a product primarily aimed at servicing the requirements of energy companies that have receivable obligations from buyers (who may or may not be a client of the bank) which are major oil companies in the market. The underlying commodity (oil) is of strategic importance for the buyer’s country and by providing a guarantee to the sellers (the exporters), the bank covers the credit and insolvency risks of the buyer (importer), and country risk relating to foreign currency payments (guarantee excludes performance issues, commercial disputes, counter claims, fraud etc.)
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Additional Services
Application Form Downloads
Trade Finance
Application – Letter of Credit
Application – Shipping Guarantee
Draft (Bill of Exchange) – LC and Collection
Application – Loan Trust Receipt (LTR)
Application – Letter of Guarantee
Cash Management
Application – Standing Instruction
Global Transaction Banking
Online Services Registration Form (Corporate & Commercial)
eTrade guideline for LC / LG issuance

Best Trade Finance Provider - 2021

Best Partner Bank Award - 2019

Best SME Card - 2014

Best SME Customer Service
Doha Bank’s retail, commercial and corporate products and services are granted at our sole discretion and are subject to the Bank’s terms, conditions and acceptance.