H.E. Sheikh Fahad Bin Mohammad Bin Jabor Al-Thani, Chairman of Doha Bank, announced that the Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders in its meeting held on 07 March 2016 endorsed the Board of Directors’ corporate Governance report for year 2015 and the balance sheet and profit & loss account for the financial year ended on 31/12/2015 and also endorsed the Board’s recommendation to distribute cash dividends of QR 3 per share to the shareholders. During the same meeting, H.E. the Chairman and Board members were discharged from the responsibility for the year 2015 and their remunerations were determined. His Excellency also stated that the AGM has also approved the deals conducted with the related companies that are submitted to the assembly and appointed Ernst & Young to audit Doha Bank’s accounts for the year 2016.
H.E also stated that the EGM has also agreed to amend the Articles of Association of the bank in line with the new law of the commercial companies by law No. (11) of the year 2015.
H.E. Sheikh Fahad Bin Mohammad Bin Jabor Al-Thani extended his sincere thanks and gratitude to the Board members and Executive Management for their efforts and achievements during the year 2015 and to the shareholders, representatives of the supervisory authorities in the State of Qatar and the auditors and wished them all the success and prosperity.

Fahad Bin Mohammad Bin Jabor Al-Thani
Agenda for the General Meeting of Shareholders Held on the 7th of March 2016
Ordinary General Meeting:
- Hearing the report of the Board of Directors on the Bank’s activities and its financial position for the financial year ended on 31/12/2015 and discussing the Bank’s future plans.
- Hearing the Board of Directors’ report on Corporate Governance for the year 2015.
- Hearing the External Auditors’ report on the balance sheet and the accounts presented by the Board of Directors for the financial year ended on 31/12/2015.
- To discuss and endorse the balance sheet and the profit & loss account for the financial year ended on 31/12/2015 and approve the Board’s recommendation for distributing cash dividends of QR 3 per share to the shareholders.
- Discharging the Board of Directors from the responsibility for the year 2015 and determining their remuneration.
- To discuss and endorse dealing with related companies.
- Appointing the External Auditor for the financial year 2016 and determining their audit fees.
Extra Ordinary General Meeting:
Obtain the approval to amend the Articles of Association in line with the new law of the commercial companies by law No. (11) of the year 2015.