Charges for Personal Customers

Description Charges


Minimum balance required for salary transfer customer None
Minimum balance required for Non-Salaried customers  AED 3,000
In case balance falls below AED 3,000 AED 25
Closure of Account before 12 months from the opening date AED 100
1.1 Issuance of Cheque Books
First Cheque Book (25 leaves)  FREE
Second Cheque Book onwards (25 leaves) AED 25
Second Cheque Book onwards (50 leaves) AED 50
Delivery of Cheque Book by mail FREE
1.2 Cheque Processing
Postdated Cheques for safekeeping AED 15 per cheque
Withdrawal of a PDC cheque before Due Date AED 25 per cheque 
Cheque sent for Special Clearing AED 205
Cheque sent for Collection locally None
Cheque sent in Collection to remote area None
Cheque sent in Collection to GCC countries AED 75 + courier charges 
Cheque sent in collection to Banks in other countries AED 100 per instrument + other Banks charges
Stop Payment of Cheque AED 50 per Cheque leave 
1.3 Signature Verification on Cheque and Good for Payment Cheque
Signature verification  AED 50 per cheque
Certifying Cheques (good for payment against 100% margin) AED 100 per cheque
1.4 Returned Cheques
Inward Clearing Returned unpaid due to Insufficient Funds or No Funds AED 100 per instrument
1.5 Overdrafts
Overdraft of Individual with approval
Revolving Overdraft –Processing Fee AED 200
Insurance AED 100
Interest Rate 17% p.a
Renewal fee AED 100 per year
Temporary Overdraft – Processing fee AED 100 per transaction
Loan Postponement Fee  AED 100
1.6 Personal Loans 
Loan Processing Fee  1% of Loan Amount or Max AED 2,500
Loan Top Up Fee 1% of loan Amount or Min AED 500 Max AED 2,500
Loan Early Settlement Fee 1% of Loan O/S Amount, Max AED 10,000
Loan Restructuring Fee  Minimum AED 250   or 0.50% whichever higher Max. AED 2500
Delayed Payment Penal Interest Charges AED 200 Max
Loan Cancellation Fee AED 100
Issuing Loan Copy, Redemption Statement, Audit Confirmation Etc. AED 25
1.7 Auto Loans 
Loan Processing Fee 1% of Loan Amount or Min AED 500 Max AED 2,500
Early Settlement Fee 1% loan O/s Amount
Advance Payment of Installment  1% of Installment 
Loan Restructuring Fee AED 250
Release Letter Charges  AED 50
NO Objection Certificate to Traffic Department  NIL
Issuance Lability Certificate to Other Banks AED 60
Delayed Payment Penal Interest Charges AED 500 Max
Loan Cancellation Fee AED 100
1.8 Home Loans
Late Payment Fees  Up to  700 Max
Early Settlement Fees  Max 1% of outstanding balance or AED 10,000 whichever is less.
Issuance of liability Letter AED 85
Request of Other Certificates AED 75
Non-standard Statement Production or copy of Original Documents  AED 100
Property Swap Administration Fees Up to AED 1,320 including Valuation Fees
Issuance No Objection Certificate  AED 150
Loan Partial Settlement Fees Max 1% of outstanding balance or AED 10,000 whichever is less
Clearance Letter Issuance Fees AED 95
Request of any Other Letters AED 90


Minimum balance requirement for Savings AED 1,000
Balance falling below AED 1,000 AED 25
Savings account cash withdrawal None


Minimum Balance Requirement
US Dollar  US $  1,000
EURO EU €  1,000
British Pound GBP£ 1,000
Balance falling below the minimum  
US Dollar US $  10
EURO EU €  10
British Pound GBP£ 10
Cash withdrawal from Foreign Currency Account 1% of withdrawn amount or minimum charges of AED10 
Cash Withdrawal from Doha Bank, Doha Qatar account   AED 25


Dormant account (after 5 years without any activity) None


Issue of Demand Drafts AED 75
Issue of Manager’s Cheques AED 75
Issue of Manager’s Cheques for IPO AED 100
Cancellation of Drafts and Manager’s Cheques AED 75
Stop Payment of Demand Drafts and Manager’s Cheques (reported lost/stolen) AED 50 per instrument 


First Issuance of ATM Card None
Replacement of ATM Card AED 25
Replacement of the PIN AED 25
Issuing Supplementary ATM Card AED 25
UAE Switch withdrawal Fee  NIL
Copy of Sales Slip AED 25


Doha Bank Customer
Annual Fees – Dream Card AED 200
Annual Fees – Visa Signature Card First year free AED 500 from 2nd year onwards 
Supplementary Card (Visa Dream card) Onetime Payment  AED 100
Replacement Card AED   75
Cash Advance Fee 3.50% of Transaction amount.
Minimum Cash Advance Fee – Dream Card AED 99
Minimum Cash Advance Fee – Visa Signature Card AED 99
Late Payment Fee AED 230
Liability / No Liability Letter Issuance Fee  AED 50
Over limit charges AED 250
Duplicate Statement for current 3 months AED  45 per copy
Duplicate Statement for More than 3 months AED  45 each month
Photocopy of Sales Voucher AED  65 each item
Interest rate-Dream Card 3.50% p.m.
Visa Signature Card 3.25% p.m.
Reissuance of PIN Mailer None
Limit Increase or decrease temporarily or permanently None
Card blocked due to credit reason None
Cancellation Fees None
Forex Mark up  2.99% inclusive of Scheme charges 
Credit Shield   0.75% (subject to agreement with insurance company)


Statement as per normal cycle None
Duplicate copy of Statement of Account up to one year (for every month) AED 15 each month
Duplicate copy of Statement of Account more than one year old (for every month) AED 25 each month
Photocopy of cheque already paid (each cheque) AED 10 Less than 1 yr.
AED 20 Over 1 yr.
Hold Mail (charges taken one time per annum) AED 100


Customer’s Balance Certificate AED  50 each certificate
Liability Certificate AED  60
Clearance Certificate (No Liability Certificate) AED  60
Any other Certificates AED  50
Any duplicate credit/debit advices AED  10
Account Balance Certificate  AED  50


Setup fee or initial fee AED 25
Amendment Fee AED 15
Transfer in the same Branch None
Transfer to other Banks locally AED 20 + Central Bank charges
Transfer to other Banks globally AED 80
If sufficient fund is not available in Customer’s account on due date AED 25 for each instruction
Amendment (including Transaction postponement) AED 25
Attestation of Signature AED 50
Internal Transfer between accounts of different Customers only None
Cheque Certification AED 100
Issuance of Capital Certificate to Dubai Economic Development Department AED 1,000 (inclusive of magnetic stamp charges)


11.1 Inward Remittance
Credit to Customer’s account maintained with Doha Bank As per Remitter’s instructions’
Paid by Demand Draft or Manager’s Cheques AED 75
Paid in Foreign Currency to a Local Bank AED 50 + applicable TT charges
Local Currency Interbank payment AED 0.15
Local Currency to another Bank for beneficiary account (by TT) AED 75 + Central Bank charges
11.2 Outward Remittances
SWIFT and Telex Charges for Transfer   
All GCC countries + India/Pakistan and Philippines AED 50
Other countries AED 80
For online Users AED 10
For transactions initiated by the Teller AED 15
Local Transfer through SWIFT (individual) AED 25
Online Local Funds Transfer (individual) AED 1


Charges shown above are exclusive of VAT and 5% VAT will be charged over and above the listed charges, where applicable, in line with UAE VAT Regulations.

General Information

  1. These Terms and Conditions may be altered at the Bank’s discretion.
  2. The rates quoted herein are minimum charges and are applicable to normal transactions. Items involving extra routine handling attract additional charges.
  3. In addition to the charges quoted above, postage, cable/telex/swift charges or any other out of pocket expenses shall be applicable.
  4. Commission and charges for transactions not detailed herein are subject to special arrangements.
  5. No cheque books are offered to Foreign Currency A/cs.
  6. Interest is paid half yearly on call/savings Accounts, accrued on daily basis.
  7. Interest is paid on fixed Deposit A/cs at maturity, accrued on daily basis.